This Service Agreement is an agreement between you and TalentAsk regarding your access to and use of TalentAsk and other services provided by TalentAsk Team.

Before creating an account on the Service and using it, you have to agree to the Agreement. Before accepting the Agreement, please read all the contents carefully. If you cannot accurately understand or disagree with any part of the Agreement, please do not access or use any other services provided by TalentAsk Team. By clicking on the web page to confirm, purchasing or using the Service, you indicate that you have read and fully understood the contents of the Agreement, have reached an agreement with TalentAsk Team to use or order the corresponding products and/or service, and have agreed to accept and be bound by all provisions of the Agreement. You agree that TalentAsk Team has the right to amend the Agreement from time to time without notice. The revised agreement shall supersede the original Service Agreement as soon as it is published on the Website. Your continued access to and use of TalentAsk shall constitute your acceptance of the revised Service Agreement. Otherwise, you are entitled to terminate the Service Agreement by discontinuing access to TalentAsk and refusing to use the Service, and deleting your information and account on TalentAsk, etc.

If you register, log in, and use TalentAsk on behalf of an organization other than yourself, you will be deemed fully authorized to agree on behalf of the organization to the Service Agreement and any amendments and supplements thereto from time to time.

  1. Service Content

(1) The "TalentAsk Service” in the Agreement refers to the products and services provided by TalentAsk Team to you on (i.e., the official website of TalentAsk), including but not limited to all services provided through the Website, mobile apps, etc. The details of the services are subject to the content you use or order.

(2) Other agreements may be entered into with you based on actual needs and other services provided by TalentAsk Team from time to time. In addition, your use of TalentAsk's services will be deemed to be your agreement to any requirements of TalentAsk Team regarding such specific services, even if no other agreement has been entered into. In the event of a conflict between any other agreement and the Agreement, the other agreement shall prevail to the extent that the conflict relates to any particular matter under the Agreement.

(3) TalentAsk Team reserves the right to change, suspend or terminate some free services at any time, and to adjust the type and form of free services provided by TalentAsk at any time depending on actual conditions. TalentAsk Team shall not be liable for any damages caused to you as a result of any adjustments to the free services provided by TalentAsk. TalentAsk Team reserves the right to charge for any free service content at an appropriate time in the future. Before making the above adjustments, TalentAsk Team will notify you by in-site notice, email or official website announcement, and give you a reasonable period to complete the data download and backup. TalentAsk Free Services may have limitations on the number of participants, number of meetings, duration of meetings or features, and you may remove such restrictions by opening a paid version; visit TalentAsk's official website for further information.

(4) Before using the TalentAsk services, you should fully read and understand the description of the services on TalentAsk's official website, especially the restrictions on the features and service standards of the free services and the paid services at all levels. TalentAsk Team shall not be liable for any loss caused by your failure to fully understand the above description and limitations.

  1. Account

(1) In order to access and use TalentAsk, you must create a TalentAsk account. When creating an account, you need to provide true and accurate information. If your information has changed, please update it in your account in time. You are responsible for (a) The confidentiality of your account and the security of any passwords, authentication keys or security credentials used to enable you to access the Service, and (b) All activities under your account, whether by you or your end users. You will notify us immediately of any unauthorized or abusive use of your account or any security incidents in connection with the Services. You acknowledge and agree that we will not be liable for any unauthorized or abusive use of your account, unless it is caused by our breach of the Agreement.

(2) TalentAsk Team and you should comply with the relevant laws and regulations for real-name authentication. In connection with the use of TalentAsk services, TalentAsk Team may require you to provide further identity information, business qualifications and information to complete identity authentication or qualification verification. You may order and use the relevant services only after completing the corresponding identity authentication and qualification verification. You understand and agree that TalentAsk Team has the right to review, by itself or by a third party, whether the information provided by you during the real-name authentication is true, accurate and valid. You acknowledge and agree that your access to or use of the Service will be affected if you fail to complete real-name authentication based on relevant laws and regulations and the requirements of TalentAsk Team.

(3) You represent and warrant that the information you provide to TalentAsk Team is true, accurate, valid and up-to-date; otherwise, you shall bear all legal liabilities arising therefrom. Notwithstanding the foregoing, TalentAsk Team shall not assume any responsibility for any registered information of any user, including but not limited to the responsibility to identify and verify the authenticity, accuracy, completeness, applicability and/or up-to-dateness of any registered information.

(4) TalentAsk Team recommends that you keep your registered email address, mobile phone number, password and name properly. Accurate entry of such information is a key part for you to access TalentAsk and enjoy the service. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of your account information or suspect that any person may have unauthorized access to your private content, you should change your password immediately and report back to us.

  1. Usage

(1) You represent and warrant that the content you upload or store in TalentAsk does not violate the Agreement and conforms to laws and regulations. It is your responsibility to ensure the legality, accuracy, completeness and reliability of your content. It shall be your responsibility to obtain and retain on an ongoing basis any notices, consents or authorizations in relation to your content. Unless otherwise expressly provided by law, TalentAsk Team disclaims any obligation or liability in connection with your content. If you upload or store content on TalentAsk that infringes on the intellectual property rights of others or other illegal or unlawful content, TalentAsk Team reserves the right to delete it and transfer it to the judicial authorities.

(2) You must not use TalentAsk to upload, store, share, send or transmit any sensitive information and information that violates national laws and regulations, including but not limited to the following: